Thursday, 13 June 2013

I'm back

Hi There.
Hope you haven't given up on me. I have some very exciting news.

 Last October I retired from my part time job as a Theatre Nurse after 30 odd years off and on. I wanted to set up a Wedding Invitation Business but was a bit apprehensive. No problem doing the stationery but setting up would be a big thing.
In January I decided to take the bull by the horns and got cracking with the wedding invitation samples and with the help of my husband I have now set up a website. Actually 'with the help' might be down playing his input somewhat as my technical ability is minimal. However we are still speaking and it looks great. I am a very proud website owner.

Take a look.

My first 'official' wedding has just been completed and the bride and groom are very happy with the results. I have had lots of positive comments from the recipients of the invitations as well. I can be contacted at or 07716078088

Pocket Style Evening Invitations

A few of the Cheque Book Style Day Invitations


The Evening Invites boxed for delivery